A Domain Specific and Model Based Systems Engineering Approach for the Smart Grid

Speaker: Christian Neureiter
Venue: Tour Speaker; he gives his talk in Helsinki, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Hamburg, and Warsaw.

The electric energy system faces major challenges due to the ongoing integration of renewable energies with a volatile injection behavior. To maintain the strict dependability requirements of the energy system as critical infrastructure, a sophisticated control strategy needs to be realized. Thus, today’s energy grid has to evolve into an ICT based “Smart Grid”. One of the main challenges in this development is to provide a common perspective of different Stakeholders from different domains and disciplines. In the presented approach a concept is demonstrated which utilizes Reference Architecture Models from different standardization bodies for the development of a domain-specific modeling language. The resulting language has been made publicly available as SGAM-Toolbox and is used in several researches and real world projects around the world. Moreover, this concept could have been used to demonstrate a possible alignment between the European “Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM)” and the US American “NIST Logical Reference Model”.

Christian Neureiter is a professional computer scientist with an industrial background in automotive and energy systems. Since 2013 he is leading the “secure architecture” research group at the Josef Ressel Research Center in Salzburg (www.en-trust.at). His main interest is put on the interdisciplinary development of complex systems by utilization of Systems Engineering and Model Driven Engineering. Besides his teaching and research activities is working as a trainer for the Successfactory group (www.successfactory.cc) with a dedicated focus on leadership and expert trainings, especially in the fields of Model Driven Software- and Systems-Engineering.

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