Well-founded Engineering of CyberPhysical Systems and Systems of Systems

Speaker: Professor Peter Gorm Larsen, Aarhus University
Venue: Tour Speaker; he gives his talk in Helsinki, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Hamburg, and Warsaw

This presentation illustrates how well-founded engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) and Systems of Systems (SoS) can be supported from a modelling perspective. The starting point of this presentation is the DESTECS, COMPASS and INTO-CPS European Research projects. The focus is on the need to enable collaboration between stakeholders with different disciplinary backgrounds. We believe that methods and tools that enable step-wise transformation of different models with a well-defined semantics towards final realisations of system components are essential. Using industrial applications we will demonstrate how it is possible to provide tool support that can keep different engineers in their own disciplinary scope and still enable collaborative modelling and simulation. Based on this it is also possible to explore the design space of candidate solutions and analyse their desirable properties in a holistic fashion. SoSs have additional challenges because there typically are different stakeholders in control of different constituent systems with opposing interests. Thus, it is necessary to support collaborative engineering where negotiation of the SoS desirable properties as well as the contracts which can be made for the interfaces for the different constituent systems. The presentation will also elaborate on the future challenges for the well-founded engineering of dependable CPSs and SoSs.

The presentation here will include video clips and demonstrations of industrial applications including examples of the analysis that it has been possible to perform. By the time of the Nordic Systems Engineering tour Springer will have published a new book entitled: “Collaborative Design for Embedded Systems –Co-modelling and Co-simulation” based on the results of the DESTECS project using the Crescendo technology. From the COMPASS project it will also be possible to report some of the findings from Bang & Olufsen’ s use of the technology for modelling SoSs.

Peter Gorm Larsen is currently professor at Aarhus University at the Department of Engineering where he is leading the software engineering research team. After receiving his M.Sc. degree at the Technical University of Denmark in Electronic Engineering and Computer Engineering in 1988, he went to industry to bridge the gap between academia and industry. He later returned and did an industrial Ph.D. degree which was completed in 1995. He gave industrial courses all over the world, and had an industrial career until he decided to return to academia in 2005.

His prime research interest is to improve the development of complex mission-critical applications with well-founded technologies and in particular tool building that enables such development. Key areas of interest are Cyber-Physical Systems and System of Systems. He is the author of more than 100 papers published in journals, books and conference proceedings and a couple of books.

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