Agile Experience Design – How might we integrate Design Thinking and Systems Thinking?

Speaker: Dr. Stephan Raimer
Venue: Hamburg (June 1st 2015)

Design Thinking as a process and set of methodologies and tools has seen a major impact in the business world in recent years. The application of Design Thinking ranges from Start-Ups, combining Design Thinking with Lean an Agile, to large companies innovating services and/or products as wells as their organizational structures. The key issue of Design Thinking is to find new approaches for innovation to address challenges like complexity and uncertainty in a global economy.

Systems Thinking, as an approach to problem solving and a set of habits and practice, takes an holistic view. In Systems Thinking, design is considered the methodology for planning (as a creative process for creating the future).The occurrence and persistence of “problems”, as design challenges, can only be fully understood by looking at parts in relation to a whole.

The subject of this presentation will be to present Agile Experience Design, a human-centered approach to innovation. Additionally, the possible integration of Systems Thinking into traditional Design Thinking process models will be presented and discussed.

Stephan Raimer is Trainer and Consultant for Design Thinking, User Centred Design and Requirements Engineering at oose innovative Informatik eG. Before he was Head of Department for Business Informatics at a College of Cooperative Education and held post for Business Development and Software Development.

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